جمعه، بهمن ۰۱، ۱۳۸۹

Re: write about politics to friends…

you can't imagine what stupid and irreal thesis Berlusconi and his politics are inventing! He's a dangerous man. He talks like we were not any more in a democracy, but in a regime -.-
How the premier of a democratic country can tell to the nation that the magistrature is not doing well his job and needs to be punished! And all this is because it's investigating about him. And he also says that people elected him. So people want him. And none can carry him away :-/
And italians... oh, italians... :-// we are so down, so disheartened that, I think, we don’t pay attention to politics since a while ... :-/ SO...
i feel bad!

Sorry to write about politics, my email was just to say we miss you here, and that we should meet soon…and to talk about myself…but it turned this way, well, I feel bad…we feel bad…I remember you in summer 2009 in Ischia after your election...you understand me,I know.

lots of love,